A Little Bit About Your Host


The Voice of Commonsense  is not about me it is about the decline and fall of America and the Rogue Regime that has insinuated its way into power here at the dawn of the 21st century. But since I am the founder and weekly host of this show, a few quick personal facts.

I am 73-years old which makes me one of the older members of the boomer generation. I went to college and hold two master’s degrees, one in Public Administration (1979) and one in American Politics (2017).  I am retired  from a career as a mid-level public administrator having served at all levels of government. I entered adulthood as a Progressive True Believer, Democrat, and full-blown modern liberal. Today,  I am a conservative of sorts. There all kinds of conservatives and I suppose I am the kind that believes that Western Civilization and the founding of the American Republic are among the pinnacles of human accomplishment and worth defending against the modern Left or what I now call the Rogue Regime.

I continue to  believe that honestly run constitutional government is a key  element of  any good and decent society, especially ours in the United States.  I started The Voice to help expand the current national conversation about the wholesale demolition of our Constitution and the undeniable decline and fall of this historically exceptional albeit imperfect nation. A nation that has, based on the objective evidence, ameliorated crushing life-killing poverty and brought historically unmatched freedom, dignity,  health and hygiene to the vast majority of its citizens. This is who I am, this is what I believe, and this is why I founded The Voice of Commonsense.

Brent Buckley –  October 31, 2020

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